Tag / wall
The moment you realize it #9
Hamburg, Germany – 2015, October 25 (ISO 100, f8 @ 70mm, 1/320sec., 12:13)
Security officer with accidential wall art
Shenzhen, China – 2016, September 19 (ISO 400, f4 @ 35mm, 1/40sec., 08:39)
Some hues, something in between
Macao, China – 2016, October 6 (ISO 200, f8 @ 24mm, 1/320sec., 14:32)
Tunes of the night foliage
(ISO 100, f8 @ 35mm, 30sec., 23:45)
And we thought we ruled the world
(ISO 100, f7.1 @ 35mm, 30sec., 22:07)
“Bring me more trash!” he said
(ISO 100, f8 @ 120mm, 1/400sec., 14:33)
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