Occasionally surprising
A sandpit like the pharaohs might have designed it, the Jesus of building materials, dinosaurs in backyards – from Berlin in Germany and Katowice in Poland to the very far east, Markus shows us locations which all have something in common: We ask us, what is going on there? And while we are thinking, stories are beginning to emerge…
Markus Lehr‘s works look like he has found them by accident. They remind us of a flâneur’s gaze; a 21-century flâneur who is exploring the periphery with curious eyes.
Despite the fact that there are hardly any people visible in his images, they are never totally absent. They are vibrant with human echoes. They show that what was designed and that what just happened. And with every little detail, they tell us a bit more about the actors who created them.
Many of his images have been created at night and especially these nocturnal photographs often remind us of stage sets. This presence and intensity cannot be invented but after we have seen them for the first time, they linger long in our memories.
Roland Albrecht
Museum der Unerhörten Dinge
Opening Reception: Friday, March 22, 2019, 7 pm
Crellestraße 5-6, 10827 Berlin
Pictures from the opening
Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate it with me. It was a wonderful evening.
Pictures from the opening (by Uwe von Loh).