Tag / cinematic
The possibility of saving others
Berlin, Germany – 2018, September 01 (ISO 100, f8 @ 35mm, 30sec., 22:39)
Seaside staircase (from the book)
Zhanjiang, China – 2016, September 27 (ISO 100, f5.6 @ 35mm, 1/160sec., 16:42)
Cement factory – still operating (from the book)
Zhanjiang, China – 2016, September 25 (ISO 100, f8 @ 24mm, 1/250sec., 16:42)
Shenzhen city scene (from the book)
Shenzhen, China – 2016, September 19 (ISO 200, f8 @ 48mm, 1/160sec., 09:39)
china. everything happens at the same time. the book
Book release “china. everything happens at the same time.” with love from Berlin and an introduction by Hajo Frölich, Lin Hierse, Judith Hollnagel and Veronica Leali.
Urban roof (from the book)
Zhanjiang, China – 2016, September 23 (ISO 400, f4.5 @ 35mm, 30sec., 23:15)