Tag / cinematic
The source
Berlin, Germany – 2015, May 24 (ISO 100, f8 @ 25mm, 4sec., 23:01)
The B-Sides of architecture # 2
Great Pavilion (Berlin botanical garden) by Alfred Koerner Berlin, Germany – 2017, February 11 (ISO 100, f8 @ 35mm, 30sec., 20:14)
The B-Sides of architecture
Berlin state library by Hans Scharoun, theatre and casino by Renzo Piano Berlin, Germany – 2017, October 22 (ISO 100, f8 @ 35mm, 20sec., 21:00)
Three chimneys
Ostrava, Czech Republic – 2017, July 15 (ISO 200, f4.5 @ 35mm, 20sec., 22:22)
Walls of Katowice
Katowice, Poland – 2017, July 18 (ISO 200, f8 @ 35mm, 13sec., 22:21)
The noise came out of the blue
Katowice, Poland – 2017, July 17 (ISO 200, f8 @ 27mm, 25sec., 23:23)