Tag / jukebox
Meeting Mr. Mizera
Mr. Mizera, a specialist for classic American jukeboxes has got something to offer: A 1939 Seeburg for instance. You will not often have the chance to see one of these great old goodies from the golden time of coin-operated phonographs. One saturday I met him in his shop while he was restoring a Wurlitzer and asked him wether I can bring my camera for a few shots. He agreed and…
If you have some love for classic Americana
… and the colours that go with it, then my next series may be something for you. This is the first image and tomorrow I’ll publish the rest of the 24 images of the series here on my website. Stay tuned. There is a story behind and I will tell it tomorrow – in pictures. (ISO 100, f8 @ 100mm, 1/6sec., 16:41)
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