Tag / long exposure

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    Potsdamer Platz Station, Berlin Center

    (ISO 100, f4.5 @ 26mm, 0.6sec., 22:01) If there is one thing I love about Berlin, then it is the contrast in all possible ways. This image is in five minutes walking distance from the last one I posted (Matchbox) but literally it is worlds apart. I experimented with PS here, combining three shots in a smart layer stack and used the median filter to achieve a cleaner image. This…

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    Matchbox, Berlin Kreuzberg

    (ISO 200, f8 @ 38mm, 30sec., 20:43) This was my second try. When I came home with the first one I noticed it was blurred – a little. I’d shot it on a tripod of course. How could it be blurred? So when I went back I tried to do it right with some extra care and then I noticed the reason because it happened again. I heard some faint…

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    Mannheim, Rhine harbour

    (ISO 100, f5.6 @ 35mm, 30sec., 21:26) There was some heavy wind that night under the Kurt-Schumacher-Bridge. In listening distance a young lady was shouting in her mobile phone. Even louder than the noise coming down from the cars and lorries above. Shortly after I captured this image it started to rain, she closed her car door and I moved on to another location.

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    Yard #4, Berlin Marzahn

    (ISO 100, f8 @ 28mm, 30sec., 23:25) This is my last shot from this location. I was on my way out here. The light all over this place is not from the sun, but from a monstrous floodlight, quite like the ones which were used on the inner German border during the cold war. A great source of light for night shooting of course but it felt a bit uncomfortable…

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    Cement plant, Berlin Spandau

    (ISO 100, f7.1 @ 19mm, 30sec., 00:40) There is a well known principle in modernist architecture called “Form follows function“, if that is so, then I feel nothing than admiration for the function of this humble cement plant in Berlin Spandau.

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    Yard #3, Bitterfelder Straße, Berlin Marzahn

    (ISO 100, f8 @ 28mm, 30sec., 23:22) One of those locations which unfold a whole different atmosphere at night. It looked like it had a long history of industrial use. The smoke stack – remnant of one of the previous businesses – was not in use any longer but luckily still there, a character of his own.