Tag / lorry
Maybe it was the gray scale
Poland – 2017, July 18 (ISO 100, f8 @ 26mm, 1/100sec., 15:15)
Day care center for volcanoes
Potsdam, Germany – 2015, September 05 (ISO 100, f11 @ 30mm, 1/40sec., 10:51)
“But only one picture”, he said and then he closed the gate.
Zhanjiang, China – 2016, September 27 (ISO 200, f7.1 @ 35mm, 8sec., 22:32)
Where the billboards are virgins and the lorries are sleeping
Guangdong countryside, China – 2016, October 04 (ISO 200, f8 @ 31mm, 30sec., 22:59)