Tag / nopeople
Duisburg, Germany – 2019, April 26 (ISO 100, f8 @ 35mm, 10sec., 22:11)
Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany – 2019, March 08 (ISO 64, f8 @ 35mm, 4sec., 21:44)
Dead Angelim Vermelho
Potsdam, Germany – 2018, October 30 This is the tree stump of an Angelim Vermelho, which was illegally cut down in the spring of 2003. Trees like these can grow as high as 50 meters and are incredibly important for the diverse nature of their habitat. The wood of this tree was worth roughly 23.000 Euro on the European market while the stump is useless to the seller and usually…
“Tokyo Meets Berlin”, #1
Berlin, Germany – 2016, September 03 I am showing some works in Berlin together with Toru Ukai at the moment. This was the first one I selected for the show. If you happen to be in Berlin, the show still runs until October 19th, 2019. Drop me a line, if you want to meet me there: contact. For more information about our intentions, please click here. (ISO 100, f8 @…
“Tokyo Meets Berlin”, #2
Berlin, Germany – 2019, July 13 (ISO 100, f3.2 @ 24mm, 30sec., 22:48) Here are some pictures of the opening: https://markuslehr.com/tokyo-meets-berlin-pictures-of-the-opening/ and here is more information about our intentions: http://www.photography-in.berlin/la-camera-chiara-tokyo-meets-berlin-a-tale-of-two-cities-markus-lehr-toru-ukai/ The show runs until October 19th, 2019. If you want to meet me there, please let me know: contact.
The subtle disappearance of things
Düsseldorf, Germany – 2019, April 20 (ISO 100, f2.8 @ 35mm,0.8sec., 21:14)