Tag / pipes
Light installation by Eva & Adele who advertise themselves with the sentence: “Wherever we are is museum”. Völklingen, Germany – 2015, April 23 (ISO 100, f8 @ 28mm, 1/15sec., 13:24)
The noise came out of the blue
Katowice, Poland – 2017, July 17 (ISO 200, f8 @ 27mm, 25sec., 23:23)
Do you know the smell of fresh snow?
Berlin, Germany – 2014, December 29 (ISO 100, f8 @ 25mm, 4sec., 19:37)
Meeting Tetsuo on a fine spring day
Berlin, Germany – 2017, April 02 (ISO 100, f11 @ 32mm, 1/100sec., 15:05)
Night lights and chimneys
Katowice, Poland – 2017, July 18 (ISO 200, f7.1 @ 24mm, 30sec., 21:22)
Oil refinery at night
Hamburg, Germany – 2015, October 24 (ISO 100, f4.5 @ 22mm, 5sec., 20:00)
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