Tag / us army

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    This might get ugly #10

    (ISO 100, f6.3 @ 32mm, 1/320sec., 11:42) This one is from a set for the George Clooney movie “Monuments Men”. I was lucky with the crane and the weather that day. A little later and we had heavy rain and without the crane I wouldn’t have shot it.

  • 102_2368.jpg

    This might get ugly #4

    (ISO 200, f8.0 @ 35mm, 30sec., 23:39) This place might look like an American army base but in reality it is the elaborate setting of a venue for all sorts of events. It was quite a warm night with an exceptional unremarkable sky. The clouds were so even, they were hardly visible and the light pollution from the nearby airport made it look kind of unreal.