Tag / human artifacts
Ostrava, Czech Republic – 2017, July 16 (ISO 100, f11 @ 24mm, 1/250sec., 12:11)
Light installation by Eva & Adele who advertise themselves with the sentence: “Wherever we are is museum”. Völklingen, Germany – 2015, April 23 (ISO 100, f8 @ 28mm, 1/15sec., 13:24)
A tale of two trees and some extras
Ostrava, Czech Republic – 2017, July 16 (ISO 100, f8 @ 45mm, 1/320sec., 16:39)
Somebody planned it
Hamburg, Germany – 2015, October 25 (ISO 100, f8 @ 70mm, 1/320sec., 12:15)
Happiness is a landscape
Messel, Germany – 2015, April 28 (ISO 100, f8 @ 27mm, 1/400sec., 10:41)
Day care center for volcanoes
Potsdam, Germany – 2015, September 05 (ISO 100, f11 @ 30mm, 1/40sec., 10:51)
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