Tag / situation

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    Circus Krone

    (ISO 100, f8 @ 25mm, 5sec., 22:03) There was a lady behind the window of the circus caravan. She was typing in her Apple laptop (you can see the logo in the original size of this image) and didn’t notice me at all until her colleague pointed at me and my tripod. They both looked at me which made me nervous. Should I pack or should I stay and try…

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    Behind the railway tracks (Berlin Alexanderplatz)

    (ISO 100, f8 @ 15mm, 4sec., 22:13) I passed by this place on the way home. Heard some angry voices coming out of this urban pocket. I wouldn’t have noticed the place otherwise but when I turned my head to see what they were up to, I was immediately drawn in. Two guys had a fight over something and then one of them got in the car (with the lights…

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    Matchbox, Berlin Kreuzberg

    (ISO 200, f8 @ 38mm, 30sec., 20:43) This was my second try. When I came home with the first one I noticed it was blurred – a little. I’d shot it on a tripod of course. How could it be blurred? So when I went back I tried to do it right with some extra care and then I noticed the reason because it happened again. I heard some faint…

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    Mannheim, Rhine harbour

    (ISO 100, f5.6 @ 35mm, 30sec., 21:26) There was some heavy wind that night under the Kurt-Schumacher-Bridge. In listening distance a young lady was shouting in her mobile phone. Even louder than the noise coming down from the cars and lorries above. Shortly after I captured this image it started to rain, she closed her car door and I moved on to another location.