Author / markuslehr
93 seconds and 8 minutes past midnight
Berlin, Germany – 2015, January 05 (ISO 100, f8 @ 25mm, 93sec., 00:08)
Royaume perdu
Seraing, Belgium – 2019, April 21 (ISO 100, f8 @ 28mm, 1/160sec., 13:01)
The thing and the deserted office building
Ostrava, Czech Republic – 2017, July 16 (ISO 100, f8 @ 32mm, 1/400sec., 10:25)
Jägermeister in the shadows
Berlin, Germany – 2019, February 09 (ISO 200, f8 @ 35mm, 30sec., 20:17)
Duisburg, Germany – 2019, April 26 (ISO 100, f2.8 @ 35mm, 0.8sec., 22:29)